If you like it, I won’t

I have this infuriating trait where I tend to dismiss anything popular. Whether it’s a band, a film or a book, if it’s widely liked I’ll refuse to give it a chance.

But why? Surely when lots of people enjoy the same thing, it must be good? Take Game of Thrones for instance, I refused to read the book until a few days ago…and subsequently fell in love with it within a few paragraphs. It’s well written, exciting and completely compelling, but I obviously had to find that out for myself.

It’s not a search for originality or a quest for attention so much, but a distrust and feeling of wariness towards the masses. If a high percentage of the population can enjoy Twilight and the Expendables, then the general public and I must be two very different beasts. I have discovered that  western culture seeks the simple and the accessible, not the quality or the depth that I search for. Well, except for cooking shows and Sixteen and Pregnant – I do have my vices.

Perhaps it’s not such a bad thing that I discover an adoration for some things after they have endured their five minutes of fame, as it means that I will truly enjoy them rather than just follow the crowd. I may dismiss certain trends, but at least I’m not the type of person to boast, “Well, I knew about them before they got big.” That’s about a thousand times more despicable than my stubbornness.

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